The University of Tennessee says it's already sold more than 16,000 shirts inspired by bullied boy's design

I mean you aren't entirely wrong here, even if you are a bit extreme. I work in an elementary school and these kids are so coddled by the school environment these days that most have no true grasp on the harsh realities of life. If someone doesn't like you, they are made to apologise and be nice, you fail... No problem just keep retaking it. There are countless "safety nets" now that keep kids from having to experience hardship or failure that when these things happen they are woefully unprepared.

These kids get out there in the real world and flounder not knowing how to take real criticism, or even constructive criticism. I feel like the system sets them up to fail sometimes with this approach. Kids need to learn how to pick themselves up every now and then, dust themselves off and push forward instead of always needing someone else to lead the way.

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