Unjerk Thread of December 18, 2018

I know this probably falls under Too Personal but I received this from a friend someone I know after asking them if they were okay because they seemed to be going through some stuff and just read. FYI they blocked me directly after sending it.

You're fucking idle curiousity masked as well-intended concern isn't my fucking problem. Kindly suck a dick.

Just so you know, you are the absolute last person on Earth I would ever come to with a problem, even if it was something as small as my shoe being untied because I think you're a fucking imbecile.

_, I have not considered you a friend in a long time. I think it's unfair to both of us for me to pretend like I actually give a shit about you, but mostly bad for me which is who I actually care about right now. So consider the shreds of our broken friendship terminated and sit around and wonder why people don't like you. Goodbye.

How am I suppose to react to this? I've always been there for them. I was there when they were dealing with their abusive Mormon mother, I was there when they thought they were asexual due to their mothers brainwashing, I was there when they came to terms with being a lesbian, I was there when they realized they were actually bi. I was fucking there when they went through a three-way relationship that ended with the other two getting together and kicking her out. I even accepted them when they started prostituting. I supported their writing, their artwork. Everything. Now I just feel alone and worthless, which may explain my current attitude. I probably shouldn't even be on here, but it is better then wanting to punch a wall.

/r/Gamingcirclejerk Thread