Unjerk Thread of September 07, 2018

You keep saying "forcing" like they reached into the books/games grabbed Ciri and forcefully painted her black. Maybe the show runners decided they feel they can get a better performance out of a person of colour, maybe the show will be highlighting the scoiatel aspect more (you know the different races being persecuted) and the use of a person of colour will give it more impact, especially trying to avoid the white saviour trope. We dont know how this show looks like,we dont know what direction their taking, and again its fantasy, Polish fantasy sure but still fantasy.

See, if the show runners really did feel like a POC was a better actor than someone else, I wouldn't have a problem with that. I never had a problem with that. The problem is that they're eliminating all of the white actors, therefore they can't conclude who was the better actor.

Also, I don't feel that this is the right show to push social justice, I think a lot of people wouldn't mind a new show with a premise to push some kind of politics, but when they're taking an already existing show and pushing politics, that's when the show degrades for the sake of the message.

This is one of the issues i have mostly regarding a completely different discussion but just to add it in here, many people are so quick to defend an artist creative decision when it comes to taboos like rape or just adding a sexually suggestive character (big tiddy anime waifu) or even just tropes in general, but when it comes to discussions like this artist have to keep to a very rigid scheme. The whole creative argument gets thrown out, now its virtue signalling, like people of colour cant exist without a specific reason.

This is because they made a decision that they would ONLY hire non-white people when the character was white originally. It's like they said they would only hire brown-haired people when the character had white hair. It's not that people of color can't exist without a specific reason, it's that in this story they mostly don't.

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