Unjerk Thread of September 13, 2018

I understand this sub is against elitism and negativity (though it's not very effective at that imho). I've actually had some reasonable convos here in the past hour. My point is, reddit is a place for honest conversation not effective ones. This won't make any big changes, that's just how online convos work. Reddit is just a place with very little rules and total anonymity. The CEOs of reddit changed their slogan from "the front page of the internet" to "a place for honest conversation." I understand some of it feels cathartic (though I don't believe in the catharsis theory because studies show it actually increases feelings of aggression and animosity).

Idk, been here for 3 years and unjerk threads were pretty tame and overall fun online experiences. A place to laugh and make fun of crazies. Now, people get really heated and 99% of the time I think it just exasperates political problems rather than changes people's views. Not to be on a high horse, just my opinion.

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