Unknown "Beeping" Noise Happens Sometimes Immediately Wake Up

Well one thing we know for sure - it's not at all related to your mental health.

Even though you seem to think you've found the all the answers to life's biggest questions and that you need to let the world know about it, which seems a little like a grandiose delusion but whatever.

Even though those "answers" you've found are really crazy and far fetched theories being peddled by charlotons: the archons (reptiles) have entrapped us in a fake holographic universe, there's no such thing as matter.

Even though you think that there is a mall in the astral plane which you've been to on many occasions. Not to mention those awesome s frat parties...that you attended...in another plane of existence.

Even though you think cats have magical powers.

Even though people tell you that you've lost your grip on reality on a regular basis for quite some time now. Dozens of people. Maybe more than that.

Even though there are red flags galore (in your post history and the language you use) which indicate that you have disconnected from reality.

Even though you've shown a reoccurring pattern of defensive deflecting and/or blaming when this kind of thing is brought to your attention.

Even though you've argued that you don't have any mental issues because you can "have full blown conversations with people" which is a weird sentence to use, especially when trying to defend your mental state.

I could go on and on and on - but the point is that I've seen your posts on reddit for a very long time now and it definitely seems as though you are not well and that you should seek professional help from a psychologist or psychiatrist or counselor or something. Because something is askew inside your mind, and the longer you let it persist untreated - the worse it'll end up being.

Those beeps will be voices soon enough. And you will be certain that those aren't related to your mental state either. I've little doubt about that.

/r/conspiracy Thread