Unless we drastically cut our carbon emissions, today’s young people will have to pay between $89 and $535 trillion by 2100 to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.

So you're going to relocate the populations of NYC, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco etc? Good luck with that. 40% of the world's population live within 100 kilometres of the coast and this also happens to be the location of most of the world's major population centres. The developed world might (and it's a big "might") have the resources to protect these vital areas, but the developed world makes up only a small fraction of the Earth's population, and when sea levels rise, the rest of the planet will be on the move.

In any case, it isn't just rising sea levels we have to worry about: Changing weather patterns and shrinking biodiversity will affect crops in ways we can't even predict. Global soil degradation is a huge problem which no-one's even talking about. Rather than take steps to reduce our overconsumption now, many of us would rather do nothing and gamble that science and technology's going to solve everything in the future. It's completely bonkers.

/r/science Thread Parent Link - anthropocenemagazine.org