Unlimited Rewatch Works: Fate/stay night (DEEN, 2006) Episode 14 Discussion

Hi, I don't usually post comments in this rewatch but only skip through episode to see what this episode was about and then read comments.

But today I decided to write something

I JUST LOVE small touches that only vn readers could understand back in 2006. For example Lorelei playing at the beginning. It's German song appearing in Heaven's Feel (unlucky we will not see it animated, but I found this fan made video now and I feel I must share)

Heaven's Feel spoiler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXz1FAWj70E

I also like how Saber's expressions and Archer calling Illyasviel "Illya" show there is something more we don't know yet

Did you watch until the end of the ending? [UBW](/s "How I didn't see this on my first watching? It literally shows Archer's indentity. Archer got his own ED song and I didn't even watch it ")

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