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Unlocking GeForce NOW reveals God of War (2018) for PC (Steam), Demon Souls and more

Unlocking GeForce NOW reveals God of War (2018) for PC (Steam), Demon Souls and more

Yeah, I mean I expect them to an extent, I watch LTT and they have the odd few, doesn't bother me, but it's usually at least less annoying because it's maybe half way through the video or related to something in the video. When I saw VNN's video, it was just off-putting to have like the intro to the video, literally like 20 seconds in, there's a stupid sex joke. I dunno, just seems unprofessional for a channel with lots of subs on a serious topic and considering that's how long viewer retention is for YT, 20 seconds, it just made me click off.

He has good info, but should just stick to the info. Also since he's become Tyler and not VNN anymore, he's stopped covering certain games, so it's kind of a deviation of what his audience may have subscribed to him for. Example being, CS:GO, he no longer covers it according to his own words, so why watch his content as a CS:GO viewer who watched his content for info on the game anymore. I dunno, it's like going to KFC for fried chicken and all the sudden they stop serving fried chicken and start serving Chinese cuisine. I only clicked to watch that one video because I believe it was HL related from memory, which I was interested in. Regardless I would say he's the same as he was before, except maybe a little better with how accurate his info is.

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