unOrdinary Episode 123

# Argument 1: Did John use her ability?

## Your Argument

> He was shown to able to see into the future further than her similar to how she was trying to see into the future too. He copies powers, plain and simple. If you think his limit stops at not being able to know what it does, then you're ignoring the time he was able to detect an invisible person.

## Your Examples

**Example 1:**

> He did it with the wind users/claws by making a new move altogether and the author didn't show an inner monologue.

**Example 2:**

> The fight with green haired bun showed her trying to counter John's punch but he countered that.

**Example 3:**

> The green haired girl literally had to run away because he was dominating in the fight and able to use her powers better than her.

**Example 4:**

> I'm fine with your theory until you continuously insist that intrinsic and extrinsic abilities are different categories of difficulty. You're trying to base it after seeing one "intrinsic" user after she got completely dominated after him never encountering her before.

## My Argument

> How can he use an ability that he’s never seen before nor knows what it does?

> During that battle, we never actually see what’s going on in John’s head. So AFAIK, there’s no proof that John knew how to use her ability. Just because his eyes glow doesn’t mean that he’s using their power correctly. If I’m wrong, then please show me proof that John was using her powers and he could see farther than her.

I think John's ability has limits and one of them is that he needs to understand how to use the ability before he can use it. The green-haired bun girl was the perfect example of a character who hasn't shown her ability to John before.

## My Response to your examples

**Here's my response to Example 1:**

> In regards to the wind&claw users, since those were extrinsic abilities and John had a chance to see them in action, John was able to copy them and make it his own.

> In regards to the wind&claw users, I think that John is an expert at utilizing extrinsic abilities that can be used for combat. When he was in New Bostin, he honed that ability when he went against the entire school.

That example is not an example of John copying an ability he's never seen before. He saw them use their abilities previously in school when they bullied him and broke his phone and in their battle in that "desert place".

**Here's my response to Example 2:**

> When green-hair used flash forward, she saw that John is a really capable fighter and with her skills, she wouldn’t be able to beat him.

John is shown to be an expert at fighting in UnOrdinary. On the other hand, the green-haired bun girl didn't seem to be the fighting type, which is why John could beat her easily; when she used flash-forward, she couldn't find a "timeline" where she could fight back and win.

**Here's my response to Example/Argument 3:**

Yes he was dominating the fight.

Yes she found a way to run away.

No, imo, he was NOT using her powers. I don't deny that he copied something and thus his eyes were glowing, but I believe that he couldn't use her ability because he didn't know/understand what her ability was.

**Here's my response to Example 4:**

...That means that you are **not** fine with my theory. Intrinsic and extrinsic abilities are absolutely different by definition.

Here's the thing: If John sees both an intrinsic ability and extrinsic ability in front of his eyes and intuitively understands them, I believe that he can copy them easily. My problem is that you're advocating that he copies abilities from detection alone. I believe John needs to understand the ability before copying it. With that in mind, intrinsic abilities are not as easily observable compared to extrinsic abilities, which is why I say that it might be harder for John to quickly understand how to use intrinsic abilities.

## Conclusion

We're at an impasse. You think that he can identify and copy stuff by detection and I think that he needs to understand the ability before he can use it. While I don't have concrete examples to leverage, you haven't given me an explicit example that contradicts my theory. We'll be running in circles if we keep arguing about this point. Let's agree to disagree here.

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