Unplanned coming out to my dad at fucking 3 am

Thank you for your kind and supportive comment, I’m sorry people are on here insulting your religious/spiritual beliefs.

I think one of the more neutral people on here said they’d be irritated by your religiosity if they were me… I’m not a very religious or spiritual person, yeah, but I’m not insulted in any way by someone including that part of themself in their words of kindness to me. I’d only have been irritated/insulted by your comment if you’d implied that I or anyone else was wrong to not share your beliefs, which wouldn’t really be an expression of support at all.

We’ve all gotten those types of backhanded statements of support from religious people, and it seems like we should all be able to recognize that that isn’t what you did here at all, not even close.

The only thing I’m irritated by on this comment is people coming on here and choosing to shit talk a core part of your humanity when all you did was express kindness. I can’t imagine why they think this is an appropriate moment for that. Fucking internet.

This reply is longer-winded than I’d have typed if it was uncontroversial, I’m kind of responding to both you and these detractors in the same comment. I appreciate ya.

/r/MtF Thread Parent