Unpopular Opinion : D0cC's story makes complete sense.

This! Well said my man. Also what wasn't in the post was the fact that his steam account is 2 years old but he claims to have 10k hours in cs overall because he played source between 2006-2009. Firstly, what 5 yr old plays shooting games especially back in 2006 when the PC was smaller. Secondly, what happened to that account? It doesn't magically vanish. He claims he sold it but won't provide evidence or even a link to the old account to see the hours. Finally, a lot of people have claimed he had an account on a popular cheating site a couple years back. Saying there isn't something wrong with the kid is completely naive. Just look at all of the facts, the lies and get out of this circle jerk of him not doing anything wrong. For someone who's parents don't let leave the house or speak on a mic, it's interesting they let him put his full name and picture on the faceit twitter for millions to see. The lies have begun to unravel, you can't keep up this big a ruse and expect it to all work out.

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