Unpopular opinion: If you keep complaining about the broken state of the game, but you are still playing it daily, you are a HUGE part of the problem.

I’ve been around here for long enough (day one) to know Rockstar doesn’t give a shit about the bitching on Reddit.

No company really does.

You know what shareholders care about? Player count.

LOL. No. No one gives a shit about player count in a game without a subscription service. You bought in, that is all they care about.

But most of the people here... oh boy. Posts upon posts of bitching and threatening of leaving the game.... and they STILL log in every fucking day

Just because complaining about some aspects does not mean there are also other redeeming aspects.

If you stub your toe and ruin your day, do you end your life? Not great logic.

What message are you sending to them? That they can take all the time they want to fix their shit and in the meantime throw you a shitty hat , drug rugs or tacky boots here and there to keep you quiet.

Bug fixes and new cosmetics are completely seperate teams. They can work on both at the same time and usually companies like to make sure bugs are fixed in big swathes instead of 400 individual patches for individual bugs.

Fixing bugs takes longer than reskinning hats.

So, if you are not an hypocrite and you are rightly pissed off about the current state of the game

Not sure how it's hypocritial to complain and still play. People complain about many things while still partaking. A few complains does not ruin a product.

Otherwise it’s just pathetic at this point.

Who knew opinions could be wrong.

/r/RedDeadOnline Thread