Unpopular opinion: Sadie's character is annoying as shit.

I'm a guy actually, born that way and it'll stay that way, just have a name mostly associated with women, whatever and yeah I know I'm acting like a fucking retard, you don't have to believe me but I can be civil when it comes to sharing perspectives at least in person, and you know I can agree with your sjws of Hollywood ruining entertainment statement, not sure about the marvel thing and the only movie I can think of from that franchise that had a shit female main lead and an insufferable twat of an actress playing the lead is captain marvel, but back to what I was saying about being calm outside the internet, there's just something about the internet and not really interacting with people like being able to hear their voice, their tone and their inflections that pisses me off, it's all done through text, I'm sure I'm not making sense but basically if we had this conversation over voice chat or in person, I doubt I'd make a fool of myself in person, it's just how the internet is that people can act however they want but again that's what annoys me too, you can't trust anyone on here, you can't trust what they say, I'm an idiot and I wish I could be chill like and so many others, how the fuck do you do it? I feel like I just can't at least on the internet.

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