Unpopular Opinions Thread - 10/17/21

  • I rather have FEH OC mythics over non-FEH mythics. With the exception of two, the non-FEH mythic candidates are just very boring and bland to me, and i rather get a character i know and care for over "Super Obscure and underdeveloped Lore Character from that game that you dont care about". No shade to the fans of thosr characters tho, its just that I rather have the OCs.

  • Acendant Heroes are a really clever idea to create alts and create interests in banners with a lot of unpopular characters to help them sale.

  • I cant really take seriously the "F2P players will be screwed" complains anymore, because it seems like everything will be a threat to an honestly very overrrated and inconquencial label. Mythic Heroes? A threat! A new fancy skill? A bigger threat!!!! An item you can get by summoning a character only once for the first time, cant be farmable and can be obtained with the spark system, that you also get for free? The biggest threat of them all!!!!!!! We are such a marginalized group :/

  • And on a similar note, being F2P is noy and has never being special or will ever make you superior to somebody that spends money. You dont spend money in the game? Congrats, same with a lot of people. You are not as quirky and not like the other players as you want to believe. In fact, considering how generous both the summon rates and tge amount of orbs we get compared to other gatchas, being F2P in FEH is less of a merit than it is in other gatcha games, like FGO for example

/r/FireEmblemHeroes Thread