Unsportsmanlike conduct in Squadron Battles

Squadron Battles were supposed to be about respect, it's a higher league on Warthunder, sadly, there are some squadrons that aren't meant to even exist due to all the foul talk and toxicity...

F4RWD are couple of guys forming a squadron just to troll others, main reason's because most of their players were kicked out of their original respective squadrons, due to various reasons, such as toxic behavior, lack of morale and respect, mostly messing around in & out of SRE sessions and game, all that among other reasons which makes perfect sense to their hate of the other squadrons including you guys...

On behalf of Band of Scrubs, we're sorry for your experience, try not to focus on the chat while playing against them, that's what we usually do, since shit talking is about the only thing they're good at.

o7, _WoD_F0GxLiGhT

/r/Warthunder Thread Link - imgur.com