The upcoming AP item changes and what it means for Akali

Wow im a dumbass and was able to delete ur comment instead of my own while writing a reply, really sorry Dan5000

Anyway im still gonna reply to ur comment

don't know how you play, but if you take flat AD marks with you, the little bonus spellvamp already helps in general. and revolver just seals the deal in terms of sustain. without that much sustain, but more bonus damage, you might snowball easier.

if not, buy 2 longswords early for more spellvamp, before getting the revolver done. it prolly depends on how much the bonus damage there really helps.

imo, abyssal got better, you only buy it vs heavy ap anyway and mainly as a defensive option that happens to have damage. it does that job better now. now for hard lanes, i don't know if you're top or midlaner, but for toplane i'd just build tankier, more quickly, maybe seekers first then gunblade, before i almost always went gunblade.

we also don't know how the game in general will evolve exactly, right now she's not in the very best spot, since you got at least 3 tanky guys in each team, sometimes 2. and you want more squishies as her.

on top of that every squishy champ can build tanky and still deal damage atm. when this changes, akali will get better by herself again. but they are nerfing grasp next at least, might help already for toplane.

my last thought would be this:

i play her jungle a lot atm, is pretty easy to farm, has high damage ganks and you can't really escape without flash and a tower nearby. the downside is obviously the weak pre6. you just farm, don't gank much and have to leave your lanes by themselves. getting invaded isn't really as big of a problem as one might think, you deal a shitload of damage if someone jumps you, a few guys definitely can kill you, but it's not any more bad as with any other jungler that faces invade/fighting strong champs. after you got your jungleitem for 650 you almost lose no HP at all and when the item is finished you heal enough to always be full life and quickly gain health after ganks.

so my point is losing some spellvamp early in the jungle wouldn't be as bad as in lane and getting more damage instead might actually make the ganks even better and snowball like crazy.>

Regarding your points about buying early AD in order to compansate with the spellvamp loss. When losing the 12% spellvamp we will need to get 72 AD just to get the 12% back, so even though getting early AD will give us some sustain, we will still lose a lot of our sustain in lane, Do note that i did not factor in the increased damage on E with the increased AD. The extra damage on revolver will probably just make Akali's lane matchups even more lopsided, winning lanes will be even easier as we dont need sustain in those, but hard matchups will probably be harder since in most of those situations we just need more sustain and defenses rather than more damage.

Now about abyssal, Even though we get 10 more MR, we lose 10 AP, and the cost increases by 400 gold, and the passive straight cut in half early and takes a long time to break even again, and all we "gain" from this is 10% CDR which is not needed as Akali. One of the advantages with abyssal is the fact that its so cheap right now and it gives a good powerspike when its finished, these changes seem to punish champions who build it early.

As you said i do not think these changes will have any big effect on jungle Akali considering the fact that by the time Akali gets a revolver she can clear the jungle just fine atm, and the damage changes to revolver will just make the jungle clear faster making the loss of sustain neglectable

With all that being said i might be off with the effects of the changes, we'll just have to wait and see how it plays out

/r/akalimains Thread