Upcoming WTC dust study has development problems: Chemical engineer Mark Basile's website now reads "Mark Basile is no longer associated with the project. He has not performed the promised tasks. DO NOT DONATE".

OK. I stand humbly corrected. I knew of nano-thermite, and something called "thermate" which also was refereed top as a military grade thermite. Both thermite and thermate address incendiary, meaning they don't explode. It's odd to me that nano-thermite has very different properties, and is still called thermite. But just nectar the name is confusing doesn't mean it isn't what it is.

I read more about it. But the article I read did not give any idea of what kind of explosive it is. I saw a brief video on YouTube showing it's explosive capacity for .5 grams. But I didn't find any numbers...what type of energy is created. I need to look into that.

Ever if is stronger than conventional explosives, the shockwave from even several pounds of nanothermite would have to generate so much heat and energy. Just because it's at a size that is atomic, this just increases the surface area which apparently is the primary reason it's explosive potential is so much higher. However it's still a chemical reaction, given a turbo-boost because of its size. This means it may have more force, but it still is going to act like a conventional explosive in that it will create a shock wave but no thermal wave.

I admittedly do not understand how powerful it is. I am sure that thermite or nanothermite was used, and it could conceivably explain the 22 ton piece of steel lodged into winter garden. But until I understand what it can do, it still leaves inadequate answers for all those anomalies. again, from the videos I watched, it only produces an air shock wave, and not a super heated thermal wave. I don't see how the kinetics of that could evaporate steel, concrete, office furniture and human bodies. But I will look further to see if I can find numbers.

How can you say with certainty that nanothermite, thermite and a nuclear device was not used. The evidence is still pointing to nuclear energy, both based on the large number of cancers...the nature of the destruction, the molten steel for 100+ days and other things.

While I have said countless times before in this sub, i don't give Judy Woods' theory of some directed energy gun being used, however notwithstanding her theory, the reason she came up with something so exotic was because of what happened with the towers. Her book is the best resource for presenting what happened and why it is so difficult to cone up with an answer. Everyone should read that to understand what happened..ignore her theory which purports to answer the questions she raises, but do not hold her questions invalid.

Let me look for more information on nanothermite and seer if I can estimate if it could create the explosion that occurred.

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