Update 2: [M26] traveling with a female friend [23F] I'm interested in pt 3: She gone, coach.

Tbh I get how the hyperanalyzing everything could seem creepy, especially with the way I lay things out in positive/negative etc. That's not how I really think, it's just the way I've taken to constructing these posts to try and be as objective as possible in the way I portray what occurred. Back when I first made a post about traveling with my friend, a response suggested I lay out things she did that made me think she might be romantically interested, which is where the positive-negative layout stems from. When people are scrolling and don't have 5 minutes to read a post full of detail, I feel bullet points make it more likely to get a response when you're dealing with a situation that's so normal compared to the more popular posts on this sub.

No idea who Ed Gein is, but I have no desire to hurt anyone, nor am I the type of person to fly off the handle with emotion and do something terrible. I'm just trying to portray things as objectively as possible.

Anyway, vilify me if you want, but come on, when you're crushing on someone, have you never overanalyzed things they did in an attempt to derive some meaning that might tell you how they feel about you?

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