[Update] I (20f) have faked every orgasm with my boyfriend (25m) of 2 years

As a guy, I'd recommend sticking the vibrator in your boyfriend's hand and telling him how you normally get off. With a body count that healthy, I'm sure he can find a way to approximate what you like, and hopefully get inventive enough to get you off in different ways.

My lady faked 2 orgasms before I actually started giving her real ones, and she admitted it like a month later. Sure it wasn't many, but I still felt lied to and betrayed - so I can, on some level, understand the perspective of OP's boyfriend.

Before meeting me, she could only get off on her own and felt under pressure to tell me that I hadn't "wasted my time" (her words) by going down on her for however long it had been.

Open a dialogue, tell him when it feels good, adjust his speed, whatever. If he loves and wants to please you, he'll be receptive to the instructions. Glad, almost.

Yeah you faked some orgasms. But you also owned up to it - if you hadn't, his chances of ever getting you off would've been zero after 2 years.

Now he knows where he stands, it's a foundation to build on. You never know: with good communication and patience, he could replace that vibrator one day.

/r/relationship_advice Thread