Update:AITA for objecting to 'girls day'?

Dude females in group (or a anyone in a group) can do some amazing mental gymnastics to justify their behavior, especially when they are speaking in a echo chamber of like minded people. I too am one of two males in a family of about 30 females including aunts and cousins who are all close. I live about 6 hours from the vast majority of my family, my sister lives fairly close and I'm almost never told when people are coming to town. Seems like every month family is up visiting my sister and I find out through social media posts after the fact. I've sort of gripped about it as I love my family and miss them (I used to live down there as well and we were all very close) the only person who ever calls is my sister about ince a month or my mom occasionally but they are constantly up here seeing my sister and I almost never receive an invite. I brought it up I was feeling alienated and excluded from my family and people I love, i was immediately chastised and told it was in fact my fault for not calling people and figuring out plans they already had to spend time in my area. Which is weird since I have never, and I mean never gotten a call from my extended family in the past 3 years, and when I used to call it would go to voicemail and I would get a call back weeks or months later if at all. While if I'm at my sister's seeing my nieces in a couple hour period at least 2 or 3 calls from family are made and received. It's a really weird dynamic, at this point I've said fuck um. Minus my immediate family of my mom and sister. I deleted social media and somehow that got spinned into I blocked everyone from my extended family who was furious that I cut them out of my life? Idk man I feel for OP...family is weird, especially when your the only male

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent