“Update Aquatic” coming to most Minecraft: Console Edition titles as last major update

Mojang knows where the money is. It clearly isn't in Legacy Console.

Yet they're continuing to update the PS4 edition, undermining your assertion.

you have no idea what products are generating the money.

If the PS4 edition is generating enough money to maintain support, the Xbox One edition was as well.

Said the dude that things he can accurately state what a company should do financially

You're the only one discussing finances here. I care far more about customer support and player engagement.

Which means you know absolutely nothing about how large corporations make decisions.

My doctoral comprehensive examination was on organizational theory, which is the umbrella field for organizational decision making. But, again, tell me more about how much I don't know in the field I have a Ph.D in. This is fun for me.

I'm a software engineer at a major tech company. We absolutely never talk raw values

Sounds like you should hire a statistician, then, because you don't know what you're talking about.

Your business revolves around proportional impact.

Not only is this not true, but it's such an elementary part of organizational theory and statistics that it exposes how badly you're out of your element here.

As a statistician you should know that proportions give decision-making data.

As a statistician, trust me: while relative statistics are useful and informative, absolute statistics are fare more important to informed decision-making.

you're seriously advocating that "millions of customers use it, so we have to keep it" is sound statistical analysis.

I never said that. Also, there is far more to organizational decision making than decontextualized financial parameters.

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