[UPDATE] coworker (27m) makes me (17f) feel uncomfortable. Should I report him?

One of the people that know her more than most, didn't exactly take her side either.

Which says at least one thing. His daughter has very poor choice in clothes. (If you don't think the way you dress plays a role in a males biological responses, you're dumb) or he sees the #metoo movement for what it is. (A very important movement to end real sexual harassment that many women unfortunately abuse.)

And victim is too strong a word here. He said some words. None of those words were abusive or rash bully type of behavior. In America, I guess the whole "words can't hurt you" mentality is gone. Also, have women forgotten what's its like in the rest of the world? If women want equal rights then perhaps they should start with realizing what the word victim means and stop generalizing it to fit every situation.

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