UPDATE: (Long Screenshot) My girlfriend’s stalker messaged me. Further details in comments.

I feel like this is probably due to many factors which my more naive sense can't easily comprehend, but what is it that makes people do this? I've never really been a jealous person, so it's really strange a concept to me. I mean, certainly in the case of stalkers, but even the posts on here that seem so strangely possessive, which is just baffling to me. Like, the if you weren't with him you'd be mine or the post above where someone who wasn't even in the running feels a sense of ownership.

I think that is the number one thing that creeps me out beyond belief in this sub and r/niceguys is these posts of such jealous possessiveness. Where does that come from? It really disturbs the hell out of me. Like, I know perhaps an obvious answer might be deeply depressed, lonely individuals, but that seems too easy to just mark everyone as being that which I feel many redditors are quick to do. It's the mindset, where on earth does it come from? Unless we've been watching different movies, listening to different music, and generally had a parallel universe of pop culture, I don't know where this behavior is learned.

/r/iamverybadass Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it