UPDATE: I made a thread about 3 days ago about my step dad who has been using stuff in my room for his own pleasure

I'm not sure why everyone is SO skeptical about talking to their family about this? This is an EXTREMELY serious matter. Let me tell you if This was ME and i had VIDEO evidence and told my mother to come to my room, without any indication of what i'm about to show her, tell her to stay by me and watch this. Begin to explain i left for school and now your boyfriend/husband is entering my room and watch what he does. MY MOTHER AND FAMILY WOULD FREAK, there would be hell, my mother would most likely be on the phone calling the police, also confronting this man. This is VERY VERYYY serious. You need to talk to someone ASAP. Make copies of these recordings, i know this may be hard but record him for one or two more times and come out with this, you don't want to be in a room where all your stuff has jizz on it... do you?! ( toothbrush, heels,bed,floor,etc its everywhere). You need to tell someone about this, take some of the things he has ejaculated on and keep them for evidence. This man is clearly sick and eventually this may ESCALATE to a even BIGGER problem, do NOT let this go by without speaking out, people like this get bored of what they do and need to take it to the next level and that may be targeting you next instead of your clothing and room. I know this may be very difficult but you have to look at it at a different perspective, your mother is with a sick sadistic pervert, who knows what he will end up doing next??? Your mother should and WILL be on YOUR side especially with a video like this. PLEASE, tell every single person in your family, uncles, brothers, cousins, anyone and everyone so everyone is on your side about this backing you up. I guarantee 500% everyone will be at your doorstep with pitchforks, I know i would.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Parent