UPDATE My [42M] daughter [14F] won't get an abortion

There’s no perfect solution here.

Convince her to get an abortion and, while it might be the quickest and cheapest way to resolve the situation, you may be left with a kid who resents you, feeling like you forced it on them. A 14 year old can probably understand the logic and economics of that option, but emotions and feelings outweigh everything at that age.

Support her having the baby and keeping it and it probably turns her high school, and college, plans upside down. She’d either need to find a way to get childcare (likely prohibitively expensive) or transition to at home study. In this case, at home study would probably be the best option...online education has made huge strides over the years and fitting in class work will be relatively easy after baby starts “sleeping through the night”. Your daughter won’t have the typical school experience, but that’s really just too bad for her.

Have her put baby up for adoption and you might be able to fulfill your moral and financial points, but still be left with a bucket of regret and resentment later on.

Whichever way you (both of you) go, seek out resources that can help you.

For child support, find a lawyer and at the very least have a consult session. It may cost a few hundred, but you absolutely need everything in writing and legally binding if she keeps the baby and the father is staying out of the picture.

Research what, if any, FMLA laws apply for your situation. Additionally, look into what your insurance provider covers for checkups and supplies (breast pumps, etc). It may also help to get a predetemination from them regarding how much delivery will cost you.

Look into WIC and welfare. However you feel about it personally, these are the types of situation where they do the most good.

Find a family counselor. Whether she keeps the baby or not, having a neutral third party to help talk things out will help the both of you...likely your daughter especially so.

This is really something that your daughter has to decide for herself. Give her all the love and support you can. Try to explain how absolutely life changing having a baby is...she won’t understand, but it’ll help. Whichever way things go, it’s more than just your daughter’s future...it’s your relationship with her and her own emotional well-being as well. Good luck.

/r/relationship_advice Thread