(update) my girlfriend's parents are paying for me to go to a treatment center and I don't think it would have happened without Reddit

Hey man. Don’t worry. It’s the weirdest thing for the first few days but after that it gets to be a routine. You will probably start to feel better about yourself within 5 days.

I went to a treatment facility in October and it’s changed my life. I was an alcoholic drug addict and I had lost the will to live. Basically wanting to drink myself I death. On average a 24 tall boys a day mixed with whatever drugs I could get my hands on.

I’m now three months+ sober and it’s changed my life. My relationships with family and friends have never been better. I haven’t felt this clear headed and happy since I was a teenager. It’s life changing. It’s worth it.

It’s a lot of work. You will be pushed but hopefully you will come out on top. From a fellow fucked up individual; I’m rooting for you! Best of luck.

/r/relationship_advice Thread