(UPDATE) My husband's [M32] "sabbatical" has become pathetic and I [F30] want it to end right now.

Yeah, you are not treating him with any respect. It's clear that he is depressed.

"I am going out with some colleagues this weekend for a fun night, and my husband can stay home like a hermit."

Do you always talk about people like this? He is a human being, not a hermit. There is nothing wrong with being a shut in so long as your mental health is okay. You have been conditioned to believe that a particular lifestyle is appropriate for yourself. Therefore, you ostracize anyone who doesn't live the life that you do. Calling him pathetic is insensitive.

Heaven forbid a woman pays more than 50% of the bills. Heaven forbid YOU take care of your husband while he's in the abyss. You are a horrible person.

And don't take that as a compliment, you sadist.

/r/relationship_advice Thread