Update: My mom left me a letter "To be opened at Armageddon"

I couldn’t imagine if my mother did this to me. But at times debating things I wonder if she could actually do this. She has been so devout and loving to my dad, my brother, sister, and I . I feel bad that the organization is where she finds comfort. It is amazing that there is any love in this organization at all. It seems that it works its hardest to suck the life and compassion out of you. JW is so small, and so petty. Jehovah is small and petty and wants every member to feel the same.

I feel it would be appropriate to write a letter back that fills in the life you lived before the end of days. It tells the story of the happy things you’ve done and the sad times you endured without her. Maybe in part to fill her in to the life she gave up, yours. If we are maintaining the fantasy, you can tell the story of the years you lived without her (the family, love, loss, successes) and let her know that (as it appears) your heart was still open to her. But I would paint the negative details graphically; I wasn’t dealt with, I was murdered on so and so date and I lost my family on this date. These details are so often omitted. At the conclusion of the story you can write out what is actually lost during Armageddon; the destruction, the families ripped apart and killed. You can write how the destruction of Armageddon began before anyone died, but when families were separated and love was treated as something to be ransomed for obedience. It’s sad that waiting for Armageddon whole lives weren’t lived, but in hopes for paradise. Control and obedience aren’t love.

/r/exjw Thread