[update] My wife tried to hide my daughter from me. Am I wrong to feel this angry?

Regardless of what these shit-stains are saying, I do not in any way think you're in the wrong. Please do not assume these people speak for anyone but their own bigoted selves. Your wife violated your trust, went behind your back, lashed out at innocent people in your name, lied about it to your face for years, and did so without a shred of empathy or guilt. She is very clearly in the wrong.

How you decide to handle the girls, as daughters or simply a person with your genetic material in them, is up to you and no one else. I sincerely hope that your marriage goes in a way that makes you happy (regardless of if it continues or not depending on the marriage counseling).

No matter what comes of this I hope you know that you are not wrong, and to stand by your own gut on this. You were right to be upset, and don't back down on those feelings. You seem to have enough empathy that I'm sure you'll be a great father(to your current three children and possibly others if you so desire) whatever comes of this ordeal in the future!

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