[UPDATE] Two men broke into mine (23M) and my GF’s (23F) flat last night, now she wants to leave me...

First of all....man, fuck your country's dumbfuck laws pertaining to self-defense.

You're possibly going to see charges for defending yourself and your property?

Say what you will about the so-called 'gun nuts' in the US, I have to admit if it weren't for them, we'd be just as bad as your country by now. There are even some states here where they basically say if someone breaks into your home, you better kill them because if they survive, they can turn around and sue for injuries.

The fact that defending yourself can even remotely be turned around as a criminal act makes my skin crawl. But of course, after the James Bulger debacle, I wouldn't trust the UK on any criminal matter. They care more about murderers and rapists than they do their law-abiding citizens.

/r/relationship_advice Thread