Uplifting quote

It's racism, but it's less specific racism by the time it hits the employer's desk, as your post suggests, and more the end result of a pattern of systematic discrimination spanning decades.

Intelligent parents of nonwhite children realize that conforming to the naming conventions of the dominant culture gives you a leg up. That's why you see so many Korean and Chinese people with first names like "Johnny" (ironically, they often use nicknames or shortened forms of names as full names) or "Crystal."

So, while it is technically a product of systemic racism, a person with a name like Qua'asia is very likely to be the product of poor parent(s). Which means she's the product of poor school districts. Which means she's the product of a poor college, or no college. Which means she's probably a shitty employee compared to someone without those disadvantages.

The employer throws her resume in the trash, she remains under-employed for her life, has a child, and the cycle of systematic disenfranchisement begins again.

/r/FunnyandSad Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it