The “upset teacher” starter pack

Uh I guess just that my music teacher HATED us? I can list so many things: she would get mad at us if we were shy about singing, she would get mad if we didn't use the instruments properly (not in a breaking way, but one time, there was a song with a slapstick and I really wanted to play with the slapstick because I've never used it before so when we got to the end of the song, the slapstick was delayed because I was holding it upside down but she never told me that and just said, "Let's try that again," and I didn't notice the mistake so there was still a delay and she got pissed off and made me sit out from the rest... Bruh.), some kid was nauseous and about to puke and she got pissed at him for that, she was always such a stickler that she got pissed at the thought of us doing something wrong and she'd be in a bad mood for the rest of the time, and one time she was playing a song on youtube and the other kids recognized it and started creaming their heads off so I covered my ears and because I was uncultured and like. The only person who didn't sing, she thought I hated the song and pulled me over, talked to my Karen 5th grade teacher, and sat me out for recess. My brother HATED her and even my best friend asked me, "Okay yeah, she really does seem to hate you specifically. What did you do? Steal her lunch?"

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