upvote please

Yea I was afraid that would upset you, but let me reframe it, I would think the heavyweight world champion was a loser, Einstein was a loser, so this is beyond the external reward world, only drug addicts can understand.

I feel sorry for billionaires, do you understand? (not kidding, not lying)

At least your son is experiencing something amazing.

Also the drug addicts in an empty dirty room , it isnt a sh,it as it looks (im presuming) and I dont think its addiction so much, if its similar to this, I think they might fking love it (dont know) I think maybe they are not losing as much as ppl think although it ends up bad too

The only thing close or better is sexual pleasure.

I know damn well a rich man doesn't get any where near the good feeling chemicals, tehres nothing he can do with the money to get anything close to this good, ultimately what he does with cash is giving him a brain reward, unless its sexual in nature and really good sexual, but also its not really really long in duration like all day everyday

Also u can spend it on yourself more

Also id get a hell of alot out of the sexual pleasure it brings, and the travel would be great also

Yea wasted your gift a bit, our brains are "good enough" with a high work rate (obsession)

So reframe your upset

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