UR Delver for SCG Worcester

I've been playing this recently....pretty close to what you have.

I hate spell pierce and went towards Chain lightning.

Sideboard I've been experimenting with Meltdown for chalice decks and Back to Basics for almost any dual centric deck or eldrazi/MUD........I really super admit this is coming from someone who has been playing miracles since it's been viable.

I've always felt that Back to Basics is better than blood moon in these matchups you want and it atleast pitches to force......but this isn't as play style I am used to so take my words here with a grain of salt.

I still haven't figured out the weak and strong matchups, although 3 color delver, Jund, Lands, Post, and MUD have been fairly beatable with 4 main Price of Progress and Chain instead of pierce.

I think I am playing more like a burn deck than tempo/control, so like I said my suggestions may be invalid.....I am just offering some talking points so I hope to avoid down voted by admitting that my sideboard is something I put together that fits my play style as I learn this archetype (very well versed in miracles and more than adept storm player).

PS: MY Sideboard:

2 Rough/tumble 2 Surgical 1 Blue Blast (can't be Misdirected) 1 Pyroblast 1 vortex 1 Smash 2 Meltdown 2 Back to Basic 2 Fluster Storm 1 Izzet Staticaster (pet card for infect, elves, lingering souls, dnt....I just like it)

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