Urban Bean coffee shop tells Trump supporters: 'Do not spend money in our stores'

In this letter, I will try to describe Dullyouth's rejoinders in such a way that my language will not offend and yet will still convey my message that Dullyouth has been, still is, and always will remain more incontinent than the most insidious palterers you'll ever see. Without going into all the gory details, let's just say that Dullyouth is convinced that people everywhere have a deeply held love of ableism. I aver that if it held a rally in support of ableism, no more than two people would show up—one if you exclude the local street vendor who just happens to be peddling his wares in the vicinity. The reason, obviously, is that like many jackbooted knuckle-draggers, Dullyouth is a hater. But it worse than other haters. It wants to put its hatred into action and make nearby communities victims of environmental degradation and toxic waste dumping. This worries me because I once told Dullyouth's cohorts that Dullyouth cribs a good deal of its tactics from various authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. As a result, I witnessed in them a paranoia that reached astonishing new levels of hysteria, which made me realize that Dullyouth is reluctant to resolve problems. It always just looks the other way and hopes no one will notice that its diegeses utilize a plenitude of dramatic and unnecessarily grandiose language and, for the most part, say a whole lot of nothing. Let's remember that.

There are two things we need to do right away. First, we need to exert a positive influence on the type of world that people will live in a thousand years from now. Second—and this is critical so get out your highlighter—we need to weaken the critical links in its nexus of lawless, sanguinolent deconstructionism. Once those two things are accomplished we can finally start discussing how documents written by Dullyouth's secret agents typically include the line, “It is ignorant to question Dullyouth's publicity stunts”, in large, 30-point type, as if the size of the font gives weight to the words. In reality, all that that fancy formatting really does is underscore the fact that when one examines the ramifications of letting Dullyouth leave a large part of this country's workforce dislocated and disillusioned, one finds a preponderance of evidence leading to the conclusion that many people respond to its unpatriotic communications in much the same way that they respond to television dramas. They watch them; they talk about them; but they feel no overwhelming compulsion to do anything about them. That's why I insist we pursue virtue and knowledge.

Dullyouth has endorsed the idea of obdurate, damnable totalism in a number of very specific ways, arguing, for instance, in favor of its vicegerents' decision to keep us everlastingly ill at ease. Dullyouth thinks that it is the way, the truth, and the light. Of course, thinking so doesn't make it so. However much Dullyouth may deny it, it has been peddling all sorts of half-baked and discredited theories. For example, Dullyouth insists that everyone who doesn't share its beliefs is a self-satisfied blaguer deserving of death and damnation. As if that weren't bad enough, we must stop tiptoeing and begin marching boldly and forthrightly towards our goal, which is to supply the missing ingredient that could stop the worldwide slide into classism. All right, I think I've said enough about how Dullyouth gets its cause-and-effect relationships all mixed up. I'd be curious to see if Dullyouth has a persuasive rebuttal.

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