Urban dictionary is run by peasants

Has absolutely no life

My heart is beating, therefore I have a life.

Lives in their* parents'* basement

Nope, got my own apartment.

Has no girlfriend/boyfriend

You got me there, we broke up over spring break and I haven't bothered courting anyone yet.

Thinks they are superior in every way possible

Nope, I just think that my PC is more powerful and a better investment than a console.

Are worthless garbage

Huh. I guess I'd better tell my employer that and get them to stop my paychecks.

Use computers to escape into another world to make up for their* small, insignificant life

So? All of our lives are small and insignificant. We are each one of trillions of organisms on one of trillions of planets orbiting around one of trillions of stars, which is flying around in one of trillions of galaxies in an endless, ever-expanding universe, and you think calling me insignificant and accusing me of escapism are insults? Every form of entertainment is escapism, whether it's a book, movie, TV show, game, or whatever else you might choose. Games are just my form of choice.

Say PC Master Race in forums all the time

Hmm...nope. I don't think I've ever done that

Trying to prove their* superiority but it only proves the point that they have absolutely no life whatsoever*

And, what, getting butthurt and writing an UrbanDictionary entry decrying us proves that you do have a life?

They call people who play on consoles peasants just because they choose not to play on PCs*

No, we call people who lie about the power of their consoles and spread disinformation about the power differentials peasants.

Whether it be due to the fact that they don't want to spend exuberant amounts of money building one

Idiot, liar, take your pick, but it's been proven time and again that that's simply not true unless you really want to.

Don't know the inner workings of a PC and wouldn't know how to build one themselves

It's not like we're soldering components together over here. You just take the thing and plug it into the slot or plug that matches it, and you're good to go. Seriously, it's easier than LEGOs. And if you really don't know how to do it, go on YouTube and search "how to build a PC." As of right now, that returns "about 894,000 results."

Or* personal preference

Again, that's not what we have a problem with. We have a problem with people like you being assholes and spreading lies.

Bill: Hey Chris did you pick up a PS4 so we can play GTAV together?

Chris: Yes Bill I certainly did and I can't wait to try it out.

Random Kid: PC Master Race.

Bill/Chris: Get a life dude don't you have something better to do with your life than* glorify your PC?* Do something with your life like get a job and get laid.

Sigh, we all know that's not how the conversation goes down more often than not. It probably went like this:

Bill: Hey Chris, you get a PS4 yet?

Chris: Yeah, I got it yesterday.

Bill: What about you?

Random Kid: I play on PC.

Bill/Chris: LOL what a faggot! Go home to your stupid spreadsheet box that you paid like $2,000 for to play games at the same settings as our PS4s!

Random Kid: Keep telling yourselves that.

Bill/Chris: LOL he's butthurt! He's so butthurt! He spent all of his money on a PC and now he can't afford to play on consoles!

I also love how they always use the "get a job/get laid" argument. First of all, if you think that PCs are so expensive, how would we pay for them without jobs? And second of all, what the hell kind of difference does anyone's love life make?

/r/pcmasterrace Thread Link - imgur.com