Urge To Try Again

I don't doubt my ability to stand on my own. I think im just overwhelmed with the change and im having trouble envisioning my life alone and in a new place. We've had a financially advantageous living situation. Rent is expensive and though I can afford it, living alone will make things super tight. Not ready to have a roommate after 10 years of living with my wife. Maybe this is one of the uncomfortable situations I need to experience in order to grow. Easy to say. Harder to execute. For her, it just destroys me I'm doing this. It's not an "I hate you" situation. More of a we're unhappy and were not meeting eachothers needs situation. I'm studying myself. Figuring out my share of this situation. Working to make myself a better person. Im just struggling to wrap my mind around the finality of it all.

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