This is great advice, but it is a tough thing to do. My employer has instituted a half telework and half local work policy because of various funding lines that keep us going. I stayed out last week of my own volition, but will end up burning leave for those days. Right now half of us will have to go to work Monday through Friday, and the other half will be able to telework. The week after, everyone flips.

Many people just aren't getting paid right now because their jobs are shut down. Mine has not closed its doors yet, so most of my coworkers are balancing their livelihoods with the risk of transmitting a deadly disease. On one side they need to feed their families, maintain employer health insurance, and pay a mortgage while on the other side is the risk exacerbating the pandemic. So Monday morning many of us are going to try not to touch our face, wash our hands regularly, and go to work anyway looking sideways at any one that sneezes, coughs, or blows their nose.

For greater context: https://www.defensenews.com/pentagon/2020/03/20/pentagon-declares-defense-contractors-critical-infrastructure-must-continue-work/

/r/SmarterEveryDay Thread