[USA] Wanted to thank you guys.

There's nothing wrong with cursing to let off a little steam. Chasing people to flip them off, flipping them off at all or really any behavior that antagonizes them is generally a bad thing. I myself will call them every dirty name I can think of but I never really escalate things by flipping people off.

There was one time I gave a little beep of the horn and high beamed a guy during the day because he passed me in merge lane that had a little extra room on the right along with cutting me off trying to merge while I was trying to merge. It was one of the fucking stupidest things I'd ever seen. There was maybe an inch of space between our cars as he passed and then cut me off. After I beeped and high beamed the guy he slammed his brakes on, put it in park and started to get out. Shit like that really pisses me off and I know damn well unless he has a gun he can't do shit against the taser or pepper spray I keep in the armrest but I'd rather not escalate things so instead I just looked ahead to make sure it was clear as soon as he slammed his brakes on assuming he was going to do what he did and I floored it around him. The guy hopped back in his car and rode my ass for a little ways before pulling over.(Guess he realized how much of a dipshit he was :P) I knew he might do something like that and I also knew the road ahead was a winding mountain road and he likely wouldn't chance trying to pass me on a double yellow two lane road full of blind corners so he would be stuck behind me and I could go slow and fuck with him.(Can't take my own advice lmao) That's probably the worst I've been involved in rage wise while driving.

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