USB Output: Why?

I'm a linux/windows admin. I'm not going to pretend to know it all. I don't. But i'm not exactly poor with technical knowledge.

that all being said - i get the benefits of USB and HDMI or bluetooth even, but when it comes to audio and video communication from one device to another, i like the KISS principle.

The amount that you hve to know and the number of things going on to get decent sound over a bluetooth connection is absurd.

Playing bluerays on HDMI? I have a tv and 4 (4!!!) bluray players. Each of these things hooked to the same tv, with different cables, in different ports all creates the same problem. Seemingly randomly, the audio and video will cut off. Just a black screen. You go reading and there's all kinds of settings to tweak this way and that, which i've done and fucking nothing.

I have a shitty soundbar with a satellite subwoofer which the rear speakers hook to, the whole satellite system randomly disconnects and you have to fiddle with it.

Digital signals have layered on the complication. Sure, you get better quality a lot of the times, but it's SUCH A HEADACHE. IMHO - it was easier dealing with lots of cables plugged into all sorts of plugs. I know a lot of older people who get fucking baffled, even to this day, in how to hook up a PC to a keyboard, DVI/VGA monitor, mice, keyboards, and ethernet. Or how to do home stereo hookups. I just never understood why that is what people consider complicated.

I'm like this with computers too. Give me ethernet over wifi any day of the week. Wifi connectivity results varies gravely from place to place, speeds suck, bad setups results in all sorts of problems. My work place is full of people who sit on wifi all day long, even though they have ethernet ports RIGHT THERE, and from time to time they gotta go reboot the access point b/c their connections all froze.

There was nothing wrong with ethernet, rca cables, speaker wire, 3.5mm aux jacks, and so forth and this push to get rid of these things so we can live in a wireless world is just crap. It means substandard audio, a/v connectivity issues, shitty and inconsistent internet.

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