using local metatable to store shared table elements of objects created in a function

Okay I'm getting frustrated here as well and our conversation is just looping everytime each of us 'tries to' clean things up, so we are done here. I keep telling you in terms of your code that the metatable values and the table values should be swapped. I tried implementing that on my own but ran into problems as outlined due to the properties of metatables, I ask for help with that but you keep telling me its not to be flipped....from my pov this is nonsensical that you can't at least humour me, so it seems from my fiddling that the code fails when used as I outlined in my OP and you r defending code that works in the wrong way and I ultimately can't use. have no evidence to the contrary,

Then the second part of this I ask you to show me what the table assignment thing looks like cause what you said is the opposite vs what I can see by printing in the console. What do you provide? you provide me what I can see by printing in the console. I know what it prints....I know! I showed you in the example what it prints. I can print it myself in the console! I said that alrdy! I'm the one asking for assistance but you keep dismissing my examples and repeating your own. Its not good faith. I create those examples to show you where my confusion lies and how you can assist, they shouldnt' be dismissed or we get into a loop like this.

Keywords are obviously very imprtant here. You keep using specific ones, I keep trying to clarify. We got Stuff like classes, parameters, arguments, reference. I try and use ones from...LUA (parameters, arguments, entries) keep using words from other languages. That is confusing as hell cause of how in every language each word has slightly different meanings. Lua does not have classes, period. You are emulating from other languages. But I should readup on the distinction between whatever specific language you are referencing from and lua..that's rich. All that's missing is you referencing constructors or telling me lua is an object oriented programming language...The hilarious part is I have to specifically say "its stated in the manual lua is not an object oriented language, its also stated it doesnt have classes/constructors but you can emulate them"...why? Cause that's the nature of programming! We don't all come from the same array of languages! Even the manuals recognize this! We shouldn't make assumptions, and we should use the words that are most closely associated with the language in question when discussing said language. Like I said, we are done here, your code doesn't fulfill the requirements stated in the OP and any attempt to address that leads nowhere. You think that's my fault? That's your right. But the evidence says otherwise.

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