Using workflowy to take notes on books

I did the same things before, the main idea is converting html to markdown and keep it to workflowy,

  • export notes as html from kindle app on android or ios
  • convert html to markdown
  • keep the makrdown to workflowy

I write one piece of code to execute the conversion work.

python import sys import os from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def remove_linefeed(text): text = text.replace('\n', '') return text def convert_to_markdown(text, class_): if class_ == 'bodyContainer': text = '' elif class_ == 'notebookFor': text = '# ' + text + ' ' elif class_ == 'bookTitle': text = text + '\n\n' elif class_ == 'authors': text = '**' + text + '**' + '\n\n' elif class_ == 'citation': text = '' elif class_ == 'sectionHeading': text = '## ' + text + '\n\n' elif class_ == 'noteHeading': if text.split('-')[0].strip() in ['Note', 'Bookmark']: text = '*' + text + '*' + '\n\n' else: text = '*' + text + '*' + '\n\n' + '> ' elif class_ == 'noteText': text = text + '\n\n' return text def main(): file_name = sys.argv[1] prefix, suffix = os.path.splitext(file_name) soup = BeautifulSoup(open(file_name, encoding='utf-8'), 'lxml') text = '' for div in'div'): tmp_text = remove_linefeed(div.get_text().strip()) text += convert_to_markdown(tmp_text, div['class'][0]) with open(prefix + '.md', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(text) if __name__ == '__main__': main()

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