The usual "going back to the studio" topic...

I am triple vaccinated but my kid caught it from school and we were all out for 3 weeks straight with severe cough tried every single remedy cough syrup and whatnot and it wasn't going away being vaccinated doesn't mean you are invincible. Am sure the studio will learn this lesson the hard way and will have to step back on it and give people more choice and flexibility. I have started to see this excuse come more often from studios that it's not us it's our client who wants everyone in the office which am sure is a scare tactic and putting the blame on clients.

I am triple vaccinated but my kid caught it from school and we were all out for 3 weeks straight with super sevre cough tried every single remedy cough syrup and whatnot and it wasn't going away being vaccinated doesn't mean you are invincible. Am sure the studio will learn this lesson the hard way and will have to step back on it.

/r/vfx Thread