Utah bill prohibits people behind on child support payments from getting hunting license

Uh yeah. The parents are the ones raising the kids.

My ex is living a life of luxury. She refuses to work, and is afforded the opportunity by her new guy. My support order is based off of her income alone, not one bit of his income. I’m fine with that. However, if you’re going to talk about lifestyle of the children, then lifestyle of the parents absolutely needs to be taken into consideration.

I lost my house, had to sell my truck, and live paycheck to paycheck in my shitty apartment. You’re telling me that’s beneficial for my daughter?

I lost the job I had when the order was originally enforced. I couldn’t find a job that paid the same. I am making less, quite a bit less. I call the child support recovery unit to inform them, thinking they would lower my payments. Nope. I would have had to lose 50% of my gross pay for a reduction in support payments. Currently, I pay 56% of my gross pay in child support, plus I cover all the health insurance.

Meanwhile, she doesn’t work, lives in a $800,000 house, drives a 2018 loaded 4Runner, and vacations several times a year.

But yeah... I completely see how it’s beneficial for my daughter for her father to be a medium sized financial setback from full blown bankruptcy.

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