Utah reports 1,354 new COVID-19 cases (11.4%), 5 new deaths for 2020-10-10

I think he won’t do something because of this notion of “people will do the right thing” even if you don’t have mandates. It’s the GOP talking points for dismantling social services and rolling back regulation.

Don’t force things through government. Leave people to do it themselves and they will do the right thing.

Well, we’re not talking spending money. It’s something as simple as wearing a mask and social distancing. And you can see how well that’s going with the general population.

I’ve moved out of state earlier in the Summer to a more strict COVID guideline state. Everyone wears a mask. It’s not a big deal. You just do it. You stand where to need to. And that’s that. We’re getting by. Numbers are 1/4 of Utah’s numbers.

/r/SaltLakeCity Thread Parent