The V13 gameplay changes opinion thread

  • buddy rally: I don't think it was necessary and allows doing too many weird things. i'd rather see incentives to have more backup fobs (lower HAB cost maybe?), but if it stays it should be available even when SL is alive.

  • removal of dead-dead is the least exciting change, tbh, but i'm rarely affected by the 'buff'. Maybe incap' bleedout timer should not regenerate to 5 minutes instantly but rather refill the longer you're alive. Also, 5 minutes is honestly ridiculous given the pace of the game.

  • flag ticket bleed prevents comebacks, punishes mistakes and does little to shorten matches. exactly what i need in pub games. not.

  • faster movement speed feels good overall, being able to dash across a street that is only mildly covered by enemies and occasionally survive is a good thing. Getting a bit of the inertia back would still be nice to limit the the effectiveness of zigzagging.

/r/joinsquad Thread