Vainglory's progression and reward system and how it has deteriorated.

They should just drop everything, then give everyone the amount of ice exchange rate from opals and keep a simple system with ice and glory. No grading skins and lower their price. Balancing out the talents. Drop the mystery chest. Stop trying so hard to be "one of a kind" systems.

When the price for skins equals about 1-2 bucks for one skin. Then the amount of people will buy more ice vs the super expensive 1 legendary skins that equals an AAA game.

"Current system" f2p model for skins is a super long grind for 1 skin vs you can buy it 20-30 bucks. Then mostly f2p player rather grind for the skins.

But if the were like this : f2p = super long grind vs buying skins for 1-2 dollar. Then it is much more tempting to buy skins since they are so cheap vs grinding for so long. Also it is super newbie friendly with a simple system. Also people that don't have much money can enjoy their favorite skins. Bigger chance for big spender to us me more since they probably collect everything. And then semc can focus on more content like more skins / recolor . More heroes and maps and modes.

In other words the current price for skins doesn't fulfil the demands in the market. And is currently not worth it for most of the player. Because it is expensive and you never know when semc I changing the system xD since you keep changing it.

Just my opinion tough. Totally love the game but still waiting for the patch to take me back :/

/r/vainglorygame Thread