as val, worth the points?

My point of view. It has a steep learning curve on how to effectively use it, but IMO it is worth it.

PvE wise, definitely not as it just eats up all of the ammo, and on average you live for a significantly longer time.

PvP however, together with Famas it is at least my best friend. I Combine that with a 1x sight, extended magazine, aiming grip (+ crouch aiming trick), no armor nor backpack, max 16-25% loadout weight, and you can do a lot of mess with this loadout, especially at the start of the round because you are gonna be practically the fastest player in your team.

I play on Frontline most of the time, and quite often get comfortably on the enemy side of the point before the enemies even have a chance to get to the said point.

/r/insurgency Thread