Is it valuable to have 100% wps on my cadence warlord?

One problem with wps with cadence is that they won't proc on the 3rd cadence hit. I've also heard that hard capping cadence is super important. Id recommend trying to find itemization that gets cadence up to 26/16 if you don't switch to righteous strike.

In my limited experience with cadence (not a huge fan of soldier) I found that wps for pure damage were not the most efficient use of my masteries. I'd recommend either switching to righteous fervor or dropping a few of your wps.

Ascension is amazing. It pumps damage and surviability a ton.

Here are two potential builds I'd try switching to. I'm only touching the skill points. I am in no means an expert in warlord so take this with a grain of salt. Fortunately, respecing in GD isn't super hard so if these don't work out it shouldn't ruin your character.

Righteous Strike Build w/ WPS:

Cadence Build w/o Zolhans:

Final remarks: You seem to have a small retaliation build going on with your devotions/some mastery choices. Either grab more items with retaliation or change your build choices that focus on that. For example, try azrakaa over vire in your devo tree. Noting your low amount of retaliation, in both builds I'd drop rebuke down to 1 point.

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