Value Decreasing Katowice Betting Prediction

ok, so basically since nip and fnatic made it to final, they have the most amount of value bet on them (approx 100k/200k) the odds for them go down. This is because there is only 100k of lost items which can be used as prizes for those who bet on nip and fnatic. So the 100k of lost money is distributed between fnatic and nip as if odds were 60-40 in favor of nip (since 60k bet on fnatic and 40k on nip). e.g. if fnatic wins, the people who bet on fnatic get 60k x 1.06 = 63-64k and nip get 40k x 0.84 = 36-37k and the opposite if nip wins. I hope this clarified any confusion with how their system works.

However, the system is just... shit. First of all why should we be given odds of 1.5-1.6 for fnatic to win, seriously. There are very few possible match-ups according to this system where you would get anywhere near this amount. E.g if fnatic vs team n (600 value). 200k (total value) - [i-60k (fnatic) + n-0.6k (team n) = 139.4k which is split up on fnatic and team n betters. 2/3 of 139.4k is what fnatic betters receive if they win (93k) which is 1.55. Note this is the best possible scenario for the fnatic betters as the largest amount of prize pool is left and yet they only get 1.55... Payouts would range from 1.06-1.55 but its a lot more likely that the payout would be closer to 1.06 as generally the teams with the higher amounts bet on them will make it so the final which means less lost money/prize pool.

My suggestion: Assuming fnatic make it to final you can work out the average amount of the prize pool that will be retained by the other team. Im not 100% how to do this (rip maths) but given 105k is bet on either nv, nip or vp there would be a (105/140) 75% chance that these teams with average 35k value make the final so the average value would hence be around 30k or so. This means you could realistically give return odds at the start of the tournament for fnatic as 200k (total value) - [60k-(fnatic) + 30k (average value)]= 110k Then 110k/60k x 2/3 = 1.22

Ik I have used estimates (which r pretty close) but what I am basically trying to say is that the odds r pretty bs. I think what they have done is used the total value / no. of teams to work out the average amount that will be retained by a team in the final which doesnt work as a team with 40k is much more likely to reach a final than one with 600 value. Plz csgl get your shit sorted b/c your estimated odds being approx 0.3 away (probs bit more) is pretty significant when dealing with over $60k of skins mkk. They need to take into account that a team with 40k value is much more likely to reach a final and this is important for calculating the average value of lost items.

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